Birmingham Flag

Agent Details
Birmingham Flag
Birmingham Law School
University Of Birmingham
B15 2TT
0121 415 8812
Operating in Redditch and Bromsgrove
Additional Details
Birmingham FLAG aims to bridge the justice gap by assisting people who cannot afford legal advice. It empowers law students and provides the opportunity to take an active role in responding to the legal aid cuts and helping to resolve community legal problems. Birmingham FLAG is operated by students at the University of Birmingham, working under the supervision of qualified legal professionals. All students participating in FLAG are required to attend additional training sessions in order to ensure they are fully prepared to carry out the work necessary to provide good and accurate advice. They are supervised by the FLAG Coordinators who sit on the Pro Bono Committee and FLAG Director, Ms Linden Thomas. In addition, a Professional Volunteer, who is a qualified solicitor or barrister of at least three years call, is allocated to every case.
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